335 Days Until 33

After reading update posts from fellow nBn‘ers ZedWebLogTitle and AssIsGreenCom, I’ve decided to hop on the bandwagon with an interlude of my own. I’ll aim to put these out monthly as accountability for goals that take several months to accomplish.

#1 Less Than 500 Strikes

61/500. Yikes! 20 strikes ahead of where I should be.

#2 2000 Serving of Vegetables

85/2000. Zoinks! 79 servings behind.

#3 750 Servings Fruit

42/500. Crikey! 20 servings behind.

#7 750 Hours of Exercise

11/750. Blimey! 50 hours behind.

Well, I’m significantly behind on all the long-term health goals. I’ll work on developing some habits and routines this week to get back on track.

#5 One Month Continuous Glucose Monitor

At this moment, Ive had my CGM on for two weeks. So far I’ve learned that I need to avoid high-sugar beverages like soda, but high sugar foods do not seem to be much of an issue. Overall, I seem to have good blood sugar control. I’ll experiment the next two weeks to see if I can’t optimize my diet for blood sugar levels and also see what the effects of long bouts of exercise are on my blood sugar.

#8 Get Jacked (100 Day Muscle Build)

I’m 14 days into this goal, replete with ‘before’ pictures so I can hypothetically make an inspirational YouTube video with jacked ‘after’ photos for all the other skinny-boiz that garners millions of views and thousands of comments about how poor my lifting form is.

There are three pillars to this goal: lift 5 days a week, eat 180 grams of protein per day, and eliminate junk food. I’d give myself a B- in adhering to those pillars. I’ll work this week on developing a less haphazard lifting routine and removing my evening libations of Cherry Coke.

#13 Setup SIMPLE IRA For Business

Got in contact with the folks at Vanguard and finalized everything. First contributions will come out of this month’s paychecks. I know small business retirement plan updates are what bring all the boys to the yard.

#12 $1M Revenue

$135k/$1M. Finally ahead on one of my goals! We’re working on a large multi-phase project to replace the signal system from Texarkana to Little Rock.

#15 200 Days No News/Social Media/YouTube

12/200. Only 4 days behind. I started wearing a Pavlok band earlier this week and have been administering electric shocks to my wrist whenever I feel the urge to go to one of those wasteful sites. It’s been surprisingly effective. Unfortunately the generation of band I have does not appear to be waterproof and quit functioning. I might replace it with the much cheaper canine variety.

#25 Donate 10% of Income Post Tax

Donated $7,000 to GiveWell. Another goal I’m ahead on! I say ‘I’ when I should really say ‘we’ as it’s also my wife’s money that’s being given away. For this year, we’ll try to make donations throughout the year, rather than one large donation at the end. It’s easier to swallow the decrease in net worth that way.

#30 Fix Up Yard and Landscaping

This is the goal I’ve been working hardest at. I laid down some topsoil and grass seed in some dead spots on the lawn and have been watering vigorously. With the assistance of my father-in-law, I also removed these giant bushes and replaced with a privacy fence. Over 30 hours have been spent the last month on this goal.

#32 Read to Roark 10 Minutes for 300 Days

20/300. 4 days behind. We received a slew of children’s books from Goal #9 namesake KT Norterburn. Thanks KT!

Update over. Any grammatical errors are the result of getting this post out before I had to change the title.

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